EmpireAvenue Top Newcomer Buy Recommendations-23-Sep-2012

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EmpireAvenue Top Newcomer Buy Recommendations-23-Sep-2012

Currently I am Commission free for the Next 18 hours so buy my shares now (this is the best time to buy my shares 

With compliments from (e)REZAAHMED

If you Still waiting to join this social rocket fuel click here
You want more mature players? Then go the  Mature Player Buy Recommendations
Score 7 Day Avg.
2 Day
Link/Ticker EAv
Price 2 Day
days ago
min ago
1. 1.847 0.83 86.85 NATGARRETT 0 47.01 21.43 0.39 3 0
2. 1.322 0.81 25.22 KINETIC8 0 75.66 14.26 0.61 4 0
3. 1.872 0.77 112.05 PETERD256 0 36.25 18.89 0.28 2 60


EmpireAvenue Newcomer since last dividend payout

Price increase/sqrt(minutes on EAv) Price Link/Ticker Joined Updated min ago Buy?
0.778 29.562 SUPEREB 2012-09-22 14:48:55 0
0.613 28.292 MISTERAC 2012-09-22 10:31:05 0
0.660 24.674 ABBIEJOH 2012-09-22 17:06:19 0
0.549 23.104 BEBELAU33 2012-09-22 15:51:05 0
0.522 22.710 SCRINGY 2012-09-22 15:28:47 0
0.511 22.072 ANDRES1995 2012-09-22 16:04:01 0
0.392 21.723 FRANCB89 2012-09-22 10:28:01 0
0.565 21.215 SELAMANDER 2012-09-22 18:46:44 0
0.381 20.663 IBLOGJUICNG 2012-09-22 12:16:28 0
0.326 20.242 URBNESQUIRE 2012-09-22 08:54:43 0
0.422 19.911 LOOKINGOOD 2012-09-22 16:10:13 0
0.473 19.395 DHGRAFX 2012-09-22 18:46:39 0
0.347 19.359 SAXARA 2012-09-22 13:15:11 0
0.560 18.524 PACIFIKA 2012-09-22 21:29:40 0
0.465 17.554 PROBENGAL 2012-09-22 20:57:42 0
0.673 16.593 APANDULIS 2012-09-22 23:45:00 0
0.227 16.506 MWILLIAMS 2012-09-22 11:37:43 0
0.529 15.948 ALDAGADO 2012-09-22 23:14:28 0
0.187 15.817 TIKUNA 2012-09-22 09:15:02 0
0.200 15.780 LILJOE 2012-09-22 11:23:22 0
0.432 15.555 FLATERIC1 2012-09-22 22:36:02 0
0.451 15.231 MDD241214 2012-09-22 23:06:23 0
0.206 14.803 LISHA1 2012-09-22 16:14:54 0
0.156 13.683 GHOSTSNIPER 2012-09-22 16:01:41 0
0.228 13.680 WORKATHOMEOP 2012-09-22 20:59:28 0
0.198 13.625 DJOHNSON 2012-09-22 19:45:05 0
0.156 13.484 HAUTEBOY 2012-09-22 16:59:38 0
0.147 13.484 MARIANAYHANE 2012-09-22 15:57:01 0
0.230 11.755 TPREMIERHOME 2012-09-23 00:22:45 0
0.155 10.780 TERRYSCOMPS 2012-09-23 00:55:37 0


Free Michael Q Todd from Japanese Jail



A Campaign has been created by our dearest friend Jackie Bigford  in Indiegogo To save on of our dearest friend Michael Q Todd 

He is working on a mission to stop Dolphin’s Slaughter in Taji at Japan, few relevant Document on whats happening in Taiji and what it is all about click the link below 

1——–   Stop Dolphin’s Slaughter in Taiji

2——-  Stop Dolphin’s Salughter 

Michael was visiting Taiji Japan, on Sunday September 16th, where the infamous killing cove is located where thousands of dolphins and whales are brutally captured and slaughtered every year.

Michael was in Taiji on a campaign . The campaign hired Michael as the core Japanese interpreter for a Canadian documentary. He was asked to produce his passport.  He is in Japan on a Visa and it has run out. He was arrested and has been remanded to a Detention Centre until his case is heard.

Michael is a causality in the hyper-police atmosphere making up Taiji, Wakayama for the dolphin hunt from Sept to March every year.

Michael is in the process of trying to get his visa extended and because the paper work has been misplaced by the Japanese Government and he had no documents, the police arrested him on Sunday Morning,

What We Need & What You Get

He is currently being held in a Detention Centre and urgently needs financial assistance to hire a lawyer in Japan . Without a lawyer, no one can speak to him for the next 18 days.

We believe that his case will be decided within the next 10 days.

If Michael is deported then he will need finances to pay for where-ever country he heads to.  If he is deported then he will not be able to apply to return to Japan for 7 years.  Michael has met the love of his life in Japan, he has roots there as well, other family members.

 The estimate for costs is hard to really determine but we will aim for around $10,000. US

This is simply.  Any amount that you can donate to help MQ will truly help him.

The funds raised thru this campaign will go directly to assisting the legal fees the Michael will require, any overages will be donated to the campaign that we have been working on for almost 2 years ..saving the dolphins in Taiji, Japan

The Impact

This is simply.  Any amount that you can donate to help MQ will truly help him.

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help

  • Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
  •   please use all your Social Tools and help to get the words out !!
  • if you like this matter to be noted by the Honorable Mr. Barak Obama
  • then please tweet this tweet 

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